
Buccia di Psillio Organica

1400 mg 180 Capsule | Supporto per la digestione

Cos’è la Buccia di Psillio?

La buccia di Psillio deriva dalla pianta chiamata Platago Ovata. Queste bucce sono composte all’85% da fibre solubili, una qualità che le rende un vero e proprio superfood. Grazie all’assunzione delle bucce di Psillio, infatti, è possibile assicurarsi un apporto di fibre ottimale ogni giorno.

Le fibre sono fondamentali per la salute e in particolare per una digestione sana e per il benessere dell’intestino. Molti studi hanno infatti dimostrato che mangiare 30 grammi di fibre al giorno può favorire la gestione del peso e supportare il metabolismo.

Quali sono i benefici delle Capsule di Buccia di Psillio?

Queste capsule sono sviluppate con bucce di Psilio organiche al 100%. La sua formula garantisce 1400mg di questo ingrediente per ogni dose, supportando il tuo metabolismo, la tua digestione e il benessere intestinale ogni giorno. Le fibre dello Psillio sono idrosolubili, e ti aiutano anche a sentirti sazio in modo più veloce e più a lungo, supportando i tuoi sforzi per perdere o mantenere il peso. Ogni confezione contiene 180 capsule per 3 mesi di utilizzo. Questo integratore, inoltre, è offerto con la Garanzia Soddisfatti o Rimborsati di WeightWorld.

Come si utilizza

Basta assumere 2 capsule al giorno, preferibilmente con un pasto principale.

Full ingredients

Polvere di Buccia di Psillio (Plantago Ovata) Capsula Veg: Ipromellosa (HPMC)



reviews 5

97.34% Basato su 300 Recensioni Verificate

Acquisto verificato

Non è come quello in polvere meno forte ma almeno le pastiglie di prendono volentieri

C Costa64
Acquisto verificato

Esattamente ciò che cercavo, perfette!

B Bianca
Acquisto verificato

Assolutamente consigliate per chi soffre di gonfiori.

R Roberta
Acquisto verificato

Digestione migliorata e perso peso. Le continuerò a comprare.

S Stefania
Acquisto verificato

Arrivate entro i tempi prescritti. Prodotto buono e prezzo in linea.

C Carla
Acquisto verificato

Ottimo servizio clienti, ancora presto per dire la mia sul prodotto.

S Simona
Acquisto verificato


R Roberta
Acquisto verificato

Mi hanno aiutato a sgonfiare la pancia (insieme all’allenamento)

L Leonardo
Acquisto verificato

Kann man auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.

D Daria
Acquisto verificato

Hilft gegen Durchfall.

N Natalie
Acquisto verificato

Funktioniert bei mir auf jeden Fall!!

T Tim
Acquisto verificato

Hatte so ziemlich immer Probleme mit hartem Magen und damit verbundenen Hämorrhoiden. Jetzt fuhle ich mich viel besser.

N Nico
Acquisto verificato

Wurde mir von einem Freund empfohlen und es hat bereits meinen harten Magen geheilt.

L Leon
Acquisto verificato

spüre schon einen spürbaren Unterschied.

P Paula
Acquisto verificato

Nehme sie erst seit ein paar Wochen und Mein Magen ist viel besser geworden.

N Nicolas
Acquisto verificato

Schnelle Lieferung, guter Kundenservice.

D David
Acquisto verificato

Hilft genau wie erwartet.

J Jacob
Acquisto verificato

Freundlicher Kundenservice.

A Anton
Acquisto verificato

OK !!!!!!!!!!

A Asger G
Acquisto verificato

Rigtig god kvalitet og forsætte køb igen

I Ivan N
Acquisto verificato

Helt OK!!!!!!!!!

A Asger G
Acquisto verificato

Har kun taget dem i et par uger og kan allerede mærke en mærkbar forskel. Min mave har fået det meget bedre.

B Bjarne
Acquisto verificato

Virker som beskrevet. Er godt tilfreds og har faktisk allerede bestilt en ny omgang.

J Jens
Acquisto verificato

Har stort set altid haft problemer med hård mave og dertilhørende hæmorider. Fik anbefalet disse af en ven og det har allerede afhjulpet min hårde mave.

S Søren
Acquisto verificato

Hjælper mod diarre. Kan klart anbefales.

L Lise
Acquisto verificato

Hurtig levering og virker som forventet. Og er billigere end andre tilskud.

J Jane
Acquisto verificato

Er trofast kunde hos Weightworld og de skuffer aldrig. Det gør de heller ikke med deres loppefrøskaller produkt.

H Heidi
Acquisto verificato

Tager dem dagligt fordi jeg har problemer med fordøjelsen og hård mave. Virker som beskrevet.

J Josefine
Acquisto verificato

Får ikke nok fibre i min kost. Så lægen anbefalede mig at tage loppefrøskaller.

I Ingelise
Acquisto verificato

Hurtig levering og sød kundeservice. Og nårh ja, loppefrø tilskuddet virker som forventet. Jeg klager absolut ikke.

M Marianne
Acquisto verificato

Har først lige fået dem så det er lidt svært at give en vurdering. Men leveringen var hurtig og selve bøtten ser fin ud. Så ser frem til at prøve loppefrø pillerne.

R Rosa
Acquisto verificato

Très efficace au bout de 48 H

Acquisto verificato

👌👌👌toujours parfait

M Malica
Acquisto verificato

La même réflexion que le collagène marin

C Caron
Acquisto verificato

Très efficace

S Simone K
Acquisto verificato

Good price

M Monika D
Acquisto verificato

Je soufre de manière récurrente de constipation. Ces gélules m’ont aidée à me sentir mieux et à ne plus subir.

L Lucie
Acquisto verificato

Excellent complément. Cela m’aide à avoir plus de fibres par jour et ça se ressent dans mon quotidien.

F Françoise
Acquisto verificato

Je viens de recevoir le colis. Je n’ai pas encore testé le produit, mais au vue des commentaires positifs, je suis confiante.

B Brigitte
Acquisto verificato

J’habite au Canada, ma mère m’envoie de manière régulière que ma digestion est pas mal paresseuse. Je touche du bois, depuis que j’en prends, plus aucun soucis.

P Patrick
Acquisto verificato

Top!!! Je recommande à tout le monde

K Kevin
Acquisto verificato

Je trouve que 180 gélules c’est pas assez. Ils auraient pu en mettre plus…

V Virginie
Acquisto verificato

Clairement un excellent apport en fibres. J’en prends depuis de nombreuses années avec ma mère, et plus de problèmes de digestion comme avant.

M Marine
Acquisto verificato

J’en prends sur recommandation de ma nutritionniste. Je dois avouer que j’y croyais pas trop au départ. Mais après 2 mois, je ne regrette absolument pas mon choix.

A Amélie
Acquisto verificato

Je ne connaissais absolument pas l’enveloppe de psyllium. Une amie m’en a parlé lorsque je lui ai évoqué mes problèmes de constipation.

C Chantalle
Acquisto verificato

Excellent produit. Je suis une grande adepte des compléments alimentaires naturels. Le fait que celui-ci soit bio est clairement un plus. Je ne peux que le recommander à tout le monde.

S Sylvie
Acquisto verificato

Ce produit règle vraiment mes problèmes de transit, c'est miraculeux !

Y Yo
Acquisto verificato

Fungerar mycket bra! Lätta att ta!

Å Åse
Acquisto verificato

Bra för mage, lätt att ta som kapsel för då behöver man inte blanda det med vätska

E Erik
Acquisto verificato

Helt nöjd, verkar fungera.

C Claes K
Acquisto verificato

Det funkar.

S Serdar ?
Acquisto verificato

Effektiv och lätttagen tabletter!

Å Åse
Acquisto verificato

Har hjälpt mig att må mycket bättre.

S Sandra
Acquisto verificato

Var precis det jag letade efter och kom till mig riktigt fort.

F Frida
Acquisto verificato

Gör det den säger.

H Hussein
Acquisto verificato

Fick hjälp från kundtjänsten att finna denna produkt. Var billig och bra och har gjort att jag mår bättre.

P Pontus
Acquisto verificato

Perfekt för min mage. Tog lite tid att komma, men riktigt nöjd och kan rekommendera.

F Fatima
Acquisto verificato

Billiga och bra. Enkla att beställa också.

F Fredrik
Acquisto verificato

Jag blev rekommenderade dessa av en vän och är riktigt nöjd med dom.

A Alexander
Acquisto verificato

Har varit hård i magen ett tag och mår bättre efter jag har använt produkten.

S Sten
Acquisto verificato

Tog dessa för att testa om det kan häjlpa mig och märken en skillnad i mitt välmående.

H Hanna
Acquisto verificato

Bra och snabb leverans. Produkten är bra och gjort mig må bra.

S Sonya
Acquisto verificato

I've not been taking long but have seen an improvement in my bowel movements. Not lost any weight but I do feel better in general. I suffer from IBS and have tried lots of products over the years. The tablets are easy to swallow and have caused no side effects. Overall I am very happy with my purchase.

H Helen
Acquisto verificato

Great product for keeping you regular!

Acquisto verificato

Excellent product

M Maura M
Acquisto verificato

I suffer with IBS and I'm always trying products to help...since I've been taking these I have felt much better and less bloated. I will re-purchase...I may also try the 10 day detox tablets..good fast delivery.

S Sandra T
Acquisto verificato

Seems to be doing the job thanks you

S Sue M
Acquisto verificato

Brilliant product. Noticible difference within days. My IBS has now all but disappeard after 10 days. Life changing

k kirk C
Acquisto verificato

These really works for me...I've tried so many different products to help with bloating and bowel movements. I take at the same time everyday, and up to now are working and providing relief from stomach problems..

S Sandra T
Acquisto verificato

Too soon to tell, so asking now was pointless, hence 3 stars meaning no opinion one way or the other yet. (if that drags your score down, maybe you will think twice about asking so prematurely).

A Alan
Acquisto verificato

I was feeling really bloated in the evenings and wasn’t sure why, I thought I would give these Psyllium Husk Capsules a go, and they are absolutely BRILLIANT!

J Jack
Acquisto verificato

Can’t fault these capsules, done everything they said they would and I feel so much more comfortable in the evenings now

B Bridget
Acquisto verificato

If you feel bloated in the evenings or congested, these have been AMAZING! Can’t believe how well they have worked

R Rhea
Acquisto verificato

They have worked wonders! Would absolutely buy again!

S Steven
Acquisto verificato

Product works great! Less bloated, and less congested.

C Charlotte
Acquisto verificato

Haven’t had a chance to try them yet, but the customer service was great and shipping was super fast! Will update the review once I have had a chance to use them properly

S Simon
Acquisto verificato

Bought these to help with my constipation and they have worked miracles! I would definitely buy again!

R Rachel
Acquisto verificato

Love them, would recommend

L Lilly
Acquisto verificato

I am taking them alongside doing exercises to get rid of excess fat. It did work for me. I lost around 2lbs already!

A Ana
Acquisto verificato

Quite effective in digestion. I don't need to worry about a bloated stomach anymore.

B Bethany
Acquisto verificato

Thankfully these are natural. They did help my digestion but gave no side effects unlike meds.

E Evie
Acquisto verificato

The best natural option I have found so far for controlling appetite

M Maria
Acquisto verificato

I knew fibre is great for digestion, but I struggled to include enough fibre in my meal. This capsule made the job easier for me!

O Oscar
Acquisto verificato

I feel great about my body now, thanks to these capsules for helping me shed some lbs.

O Oliver
Acquisto verificato

T Although it didn't work from the first weel itself, it started working from the 2nd week onwards, and I am happy with the effects.

A Amelia
Acquisto verificato

So far I am really satisfied. My digestive ability has improved and I felt no bad side effects.

I Isla
Acquisto verificato

This capsule is comparatively more effective for appetite management than the other one I tried from H&B. I am sticking to it!

A Ava
Acquisto verificato

Price can go li'l lower I feel, but it still gives great value for money considering how effective it is.

M Milie
Acquisto verificato

Great product. Helped me lose unwanted fats smoothly.

J Jules
Acquisto verificato

The way this capsules controlled my cravings is amazing!

E Ella
Acquisto verificato

Helped me stay regular with my bowel. Quite effective.

M Mr
Acquisto verificato

What a relief! My bowel is now regular and I don't need to worry before having my favourite dishes!

M Mildred
Acquisto verificato

Am on my first week. Hoping to see the effects on my weight. Capsules don't choke, that's a good thing.

O Odessa
Acquisto verificato

I didn't expect it to work so quickly, but it did!

A Aron
Acquisto verificato

This is my second purchase, and I will continue taking them. They are so effective!

G Griffith
Acquisto verificato

No side effects. Am happy with the results!

J Jones
Acquisto verificato

Compared to other digestion supplements, this one is actually performing better for me.

T Tobiah
Acquisto verificato

Just started taking them. Too early to judge. So far these are easy to gulp.

E Emma
Acquisto verificato

Works, but for best results you gotta be taking them eveery day.

P Pattrice
Acquisto verificato

Oh boy, this one is a super strong capsule! I didn't even realise when it managed my gas problem.

D Daymond
Acquisto verificato

Gentle on my stomach and I don't feel the heaviness after having melas now.

K Kirsten
Acquisto verificato

Price wise, this supplement is the best among digestion supplements.

P Poppy
Acquisto verificato

Awesome supplement. So effective! Would highly recommend!

S Sophie
Acquisto verificato

Working better than the medicine I used to take for digestion

B Becky
Acquisto verificato

Working better than the medicine I used to take for digestion

B Becky
Acquisto verificato

100% satisfied with the result. Quite a saviour!

A Adam
Acquisto verificato

My days of feeling bloated are finally gone! Thanks WW, thanks to these capsules!

H Hugo
Acquisto verificato

Very trustable supplement. Does exactly what it claims without any side effects!

A Alfie
Acquisto verificato

Got my order delivered within 2 days. Super fast! Hoping it will work like other WW supplements

C Clive
Acquisto verificato

It makes me feel protected and stronger from within. Good supplement for internal detox.

D Daniel
Acquisto verificato

Am gonna continue ordering this capsule for maintaining my gut health. I can't explain how amazingly it worked for me!

E Elijah
Acquisto verificato

Best option for people like me who want natural ways to manage bloating problem. I have got great help!

F Finley
Acquisto verificato

I feel everyone should take the capsules. It seamlessly helps maintain normal bowel!

F Frankie
Acquisto verificato

My mum and I are taking these capsules. These helped us both in managing weight

G Gabriel
Acquisto verificato

I had planned to get my money back, but seeing the effects, I am planning to order another bottle.

H Harvey
Acquisto verificato

I never believed supplements can help, but I tried this one cz my mum bought it for me. Am so surprised after experiecning its effects on my digestion problem!

H Henry
Acquisto verificato

I feel more active as I could lose some excess fat with the help of these capsules and my diet.

A Albie
Acquisto verificato

The best natural solution for taking care of stomach and stomach-related problems. I had tried other supplements before and nothing worked like this one did.

H Hugo
Acquisto verificato

I am taking them to detox my gut. Honestly it has really helped my stomach and gut.

L Lewis
Acquisto verificato

It purified my internal system I feel. I can tell a difference in my digestion capacity.

L Liam
Acquisto verificato

Quite cheap price for 180 capsules!

L Logan
Acquisto verificato

No bad taste, no artificial flavour. Easy to swallow and works fast!

L Louie
Acquisto verificato

Although I was hesitant in the beginning, after taking them for 2 months, I can say these are incredible!

L Lucas
Acquisto verificato

Without going to gym, I lost some lbs., all thanks to psyllium husk capsules!

D Dorothy
Acquisto verificato

These capsules are slowly helping me get rid of my gas and bloating issue. I will continue taking them to see better effects.

W William
Acquisto verificato

Amazing potency. Really natural ingredients. Reliable product.

M Michael
Acquisto verificato

I feel fuller for a longer period of time, so my evening and night cravings are gone. Thanks weightworld!

N Nathan
Acquisto verificato

Just received my order. Their customer service is very prompt and friendly I must say. Impressive product formula. I am looking forward to feeling its benefits.

R Reggie
Acquisto verificato

Must try supplement, especially if anyone is looking for a natural solution for digestive problems. Worked for me!

T Teddy
Acquisto verificato

Just received my order. Their customer service is very prompt and friendly I must say. Impressive product formula. I am looking forward to feeling its benefits.

R Reggie
Acquisto verificato

I feel less heavy and the bloated feeling is gone. The capsule definitely worked!

M Malisa
Acquisto verificato

This is my third buy and I totally vouch for it! I could lose some lbs. with the help of these.

A Alice
Acquisto verificato

I prefer this natural supplement over costly surgeries for cutting down my fat.

J Judie
Acquisto verificato

My best buy on WW so far. Really effective and gets to work fast.

T Tom
Acquisto verificato

Helped keep a check on my weight. They really work!

R Roger
Acquisto verificato

Wow!! These keep me full and I don't get hunger pangs frequently anymore!

L Lisa
Acquisto verificato

I would suggest just try this supplement once! It worked so well for me. I am gonna buy again!

L Lorraine
Acquisto verificato

I am loving my toned body. Looks more shaped now, and this is only the effect of taking these capsules.

P Pamela
Acquisto verificato

These capsules did wonders for me. I can't thank enough! My weight is under control now.

E Evan
Acquisto verificato

The capsules did work, but from the 2nd week onwards.

D Dolly
Acquisto verificato

Speedy delivery. Capsule seems to have started working from the 2nd week.

B Benny
Acquisto verificato

It is doing what the page claimed. So 100% satisfied!

J Jordon
Acquisto verificato

It's been 2 months since am taking these capsules. My weight gain problem has reduced majorly. I feel fitter now.

A Andrew
Acquisto verificato

Helped me normalise my food regulation process. Hoping to see more evident result on my weight.

A Arie
Acquisto verificato

This is my 3rd week of intake and I can already notice a difference in my weight. Couldn't be happier!

D Derek
Acquisto verificato

I could manage my weight so effortlessly with these capsules!

M Molly
Acquisto verificato

Tried a WW supplement for the first time. Seeing the effects I can say am gonna be a regular customer now!

D Darcy
Acquisto verificato

The capsules are complementing my slimming diet and helping me cut down weight faster.

P Peter
Acquisto verificato

Am spellbound seeing how quickly these capsules impacted my weight! Must try!

M Maggie
Acquisto verificato

Need to be patient. If one can continue taking them, they will surely see the effects like I did.

J Jules
Acquisto verificato

5/5 for customer satisfaction. The capsule does what it says!

C Carl
Acquisto verificato

I am a doctor and I trust this supplement more than the medicines for taking care of my digestive problem. They actually help!

R Ron
Acquisto verificato

These capsules just made my life easier. I can eat anything I want coz I know psyllium husk has got my back.

C Claudia
Acquisto verificato

Although it took around a week to start showing effect, but once it did, I got great result!

B Blake
Acquisto verificato

Just been 2 days since I'm having the capsules. Price is reasonable, capsules are easy to wash down. Waiting to see results.

H Harriot
Acquisto verificato

Most medicines used to give me side effects which I hated! I tried this natural supplement and bingo! No side effects, 100% benefits experienced!

E Emma
Acquisto verificato

I gave it to my mum to help her with her stomach problems. She is doing much better now.

G George
Acquisto verificato

My friend says it worked wonders for her. I just got my bottle and hoping to get the same experience as my friend!

A Alfred
Acquisto verificato

10000/10 for this capsule! An absolute superstar supplement!

H Holly
Acquisto verificato

I would give this capsule a 5 because it actually does what the page mentions

M Mark
Acquisto verificato

Such a god send! Brilliant effects on my stomach!

M Minnie
Acquisto verificato

A great laxative supplement. Managed my bowel irregularity and it's back to normal!

S Sam
Acquisto verificato

Bought this capsule for the second time. Super impressed with the effects it gave me the first time!

A Aston
Acquisto verificato

The bloated and gassy stomach days are gone. This is the effect of taking these capsules for 4 months!

A Alex
Acquisto verificato

Price is comparatively lower than other psyllium husk supplements. But effect wise this one is better.

G Grace
Acquisto verificato

Got on-time delivery. Capsules are helping me keep my IBS problems under control

F Fred
Acquisto verificato

I ordered it for my father. He prefers this over his other digestive supplements.

J Jean
Acquisto verificato

My mum, dad and I are taking these capsules. All of us have benefitted as far as digestion is concerned.

A Autumn
Acquisto verificato

I buy 3 bottles at once to get 20% off. Cool offer and lasts me for 9 months!

M Mr
Acquisto verificato

Strength wise, 1400 mg is strong! I think this capsule is perfect for busy people like me who don't have much time for taking care of their health.

M Megan
Acquisto verificato

I read these have prebiotic fibre, and exactly because of that my gut health is in a much better condition now.

V Victoria
Acquisto verificato

I wasn't sure about these but took them seeing the money-back guarantee. And now after 2 months of intake, I can't do without these!

W Wendy
Acquisto verificato

I prefer these as these are capsules, there's no rough surface, doesn't choke and can be taken conveniently without any elaborate preparations.

L Luke
Acquisto verificato

Thankfully I gave it a try! The capsules are so easy to gulp and so effective on my stomach issues

S Susan
Acquisto verificato

My gut health has improved. My bowel is quite regular now, all thanks to psyllium husk!

D Dorothy
Acquisto verificato

I am loving its effects on my weight. I feel light and more active!

N Narcia
Acquisto verificato

Excited to try this capsule. Got my order in 2 days! Shipping and delivery were very smooth.

I Isabella
Acquisto verificato

I could experience the effects within a short span of time. The capsules are so impactful.

R Rosy
Acquisto verificato

My friend recommended this to me as he got amazing results on his weight. I hope it works for me too! Just got my pack

C Charlie
Acquisto verificato

No complains so far. I can see a good change in my weight.

S Steph
Acquisto verificato

I am getting some relief from my bloating problem with regular intake of these capsules. My stomach doesn't look pregnant anymore!

A Amelia
Acquisto verificato

I feel more confident in my body as it looks more toned. The weight has come down majorly, thanks to this capsule

B Bethany
Acquisto verificato

Working better than medicines, and best part is it contains no binders, chemicals or bad additives

E Evie
Acquisto verificato

I prefer this capsule over other slimming tablets that I tried before. This one is giving me beetter results.

M Maria
Acquisto verificato

The capsules helped me control my cravings and keep my appetite under check.

O Oscar
Acquisto verificato

Am loving the effects on my weight. I will continue taking the capsules

O Oliver
Acquisto verificato

Thankfully these are not tablets, but smooth capsules. I hate taking tablets as they get stuck.

A Amelia
Acquisto verificato

The capsules really made my slimming journey easier. I achieved my desired weight in 3 weeks!

I Isla
Acquisto verificato

Compared to others, this psyllium capsule is the best as it worked faster than others.

A Ava
Acquisto verificato

No side effects. Gentle on my tummy and works so fast!

M Milie
Acquisto verificato

Too early to say it works or not as I just had 1 capsule. But I Can say these are easy to gulp.

J Jules
Acquisto verificato

The way this capsule improved my skin, am dumbstruck seeing that!

E Ella
Acquisto verificato

What an amazing supplement for digestion. No bloating or gas experienced since taking them.

M Mr
Acquisto verificato

Even after doing gym, I was struggling to shed weight, but with the help of these capsules, I could reach my goal!

M Mildred
Acquisto verificato

I tried them on a friend's suggestion and I thank her for recommending this one. It helps cut down weight so quickly!

O Odessa
Acquisto verificato

Price is comparatively cheaper than other psyllium husk capsules. Formula is also premium and natural.. I would highly recommend this one..

A Aron
Acquisto verificato

Although it has just been 2 weeks, I can say this capsule is working. I can digest better now

G Griffith
Acquisto verificato

I am going for this capsule as it's natural and GMP certified. Most other supplements from other brands have some artificial additives in them.

J Jones
Acquisto verificato

Just been 1 week since am taking them. But already I can see some good changes in my digestive ability. Nice!

T Tobiah
Acquisto verificato

Working much much much better than the last digestion supplement I tried from another reputed brand!

E Emma
Acquisto verificato

When I was not regular with the intake, I hardly saw any effects. But now that am regular, I can see my weight is reaching to my desired number!

P Pattrice
Acquisto verificato

Believe it or not, this capsule helped me lose 3 lbs in 3 weeks! I couldn't be happier!

D Daymond
Acquisto verificato

Being a dancer, I wanted to lose the excess fat in my body. This capsule helped me do just that without much efforts.

K Kirsten
Acquisto verificato

Awesome formula. High strength supplement. I am gonna recommend this to all my friends.

P Poppy
Acquisto verificato

Although I love my curves, my modelling profession demanded I shed some weight. I turned to this capsule and I don't regret it!

S Sophie
Acquisto verificato

It does help manage weight, but you gotta be taking them seriously every day.

B Bartholomew
Acquisto verificato

Very easy to gulp like all WW capsules. No choking

A Adam
Acquisto verificato

My long-lasting struggle of not being able to lose weight has finally ended with the consumption of these capsules. Thankful!

H Hugo
Acquisto verificato

With the help of regular exercise and these capsules, I could get back in shape after my child's delivery.

M Maria
Acquisto verificato

I have noticed some improvements in my food regulation process, my bowel is quite regular now. Yet to see any effects on my weight.

C Clive
Acquisto verificato

My bowel rhythm is back now, all thank to these fibre capsules!

D Daniel
Acquisto verificato

I wish I could get free delivery with this. But effect-wise, this supplement is quite amazing!

E Elijah
Acquisto verificato

Keeps me full for a long time, but doesn't bloat me up. I like these capsules

F Finley
Acquisto verificato

Working quite well for me. I don't stay tensed about getting constipated anymore

F Frankie
Acquisto verificato

100% effective and natural. Worth trying!

G Gabriel
Acquisto verificato

My mum bought this for me. Thankfully I tried the capsules. They really help manage weight.

H Harvey
Acquisto verificato

That bloated stomach was such an embarrassment for me. But after taking the capsules for 2 weeks, I have stopped getting that bloating.

H Henry
Acquisto verificato

My constipation struggles are gone. The capsules did the wonder!

A Albie
Acquisto verificato

For busy professionals, this capsule is the best way to achieve their desired weight without hitting the gym.

H Hugo
Acquisto verificato

Just try it once. You won't regret it! I have benefitted majorly!

L Lewis
Acquisto verificato

It's already been 2 months since the last time I got bloating or constipation. This capsule just did this impossible job for me!

L Liam
Acquisto verificato

Premium quality capsule. I checked the ingredients and there are no bad additives or anything that I notice in other similar capsules. Nice formula!

L Logan
Acquisto verificato

Although it's not a magic capsule that will cut down your weight in 2 days, with regular intake and a bit of patience, you will surely see results. I could see effects on my weight from the 3rd week onwards.

L Louie
Acquisto verificato

I know the psyllium husk will keep constipation away. So I can eat in peace now!

L Lucas
Acquisto verificato

If anyone likes a natural solution to digestive problems, I would suggest go for this one instead of unbranded cheap solutions or medicines.

D Dorothy
Acquisto verificato

I had no time for gym or exercise. So I started taking the capsules. I could reach the weight I always wanted to achieve with the help of these!

W William
Acquisto verificato

So effective and I lost weight so quickly!

M Michael
Acquisto verificato

I don't feel constipated every other day. This is such a relief! Thanks to psyllium husk capsules!

N Nathan
Acquisto verificato

Very satisfied with its effects. I am hoping to discover more benefits of psyllium as I continue taking the capsules.

R Reggie
Acquisto verificato

Whether you do exercise or not, this capsule will definitely help manage weight like it did for me!

A Alfie
Acquisto verificato

Within 3 weeks of taking these capsules, my bloating issue stopped occurring. So glad I tried!

R Ronnie
Acquisto verificato

It's strong and effective. But doesn't give any side effects.

S Stanley
Acquisto verificato

Trying a WW supplement for the first time. My friend says all WW supplements work, so am hoping for great results for me too!

E Evie
Acquisto verificato

My bowel regularity in on spot since am taking these capsules.

A Adele
Acquisto verificato

My stomach feels light and cleansed. I can tell the capsule is working!

A Alisha
Acquisto verificato

1400 mg prebiotic fibre in just 2 capsules! Awesome strength and so effective!

A Amelie
Acquisto verificato

It's helping me tone up my body without opting for strenuous exercises.

A Anna
Acquisto verificato

Thankfully it's vegan. I could take these capsules without compromising on my vegan diet.

E Ellie
Acquisto verificato

Although it seems bit premium price wise, but the supplement does exactly what it say, so I am happy to pay for it.

C Clara
Acquisto verificato

It's indeed a great laxative. My food processing and bowel is regular and smooth now.

D Doris
Acquisto verificato

Super happy with the fast delivery and effective supplement.

S Sam
Acquisto verificato

Thought it will only help my digestive ability, but it also helped me shed some weight!

H Harriet
Acquisto verificato

Since the day I started taking these capsules, I feel quite light from inside.

A Abigail
Acquisto verificato

Although not a great fan of supplements, I truly vouch for this one as it helps a lot in digestive problems.

I Iris
Acquisto verificato

Worked best for me compared to other fibre supplements.

K Karen
Acquisto verificato

Very satisfied! The capsules does what the page claims.

E Elsie
Acquisto verificato

The way it complemented my slimming diet and helped me get to my desired weight, it's just an incredible supplement!

E Eloise
Acquisto verificato

Tried a supplement from weightworld for the first time, and I don't regret buying it. It did make my bowel smooth.

K Kendel
Acquisto verificato

I never thought this tiny capsule can help me manage weight, but it surely did!

E Edith
Acquisto verificato

I don't feel constipated or gassy now because these capsules smoothly process any food I eat.

D Dorothy
Acquisto verificato

My mum's digestive problem just vanished in 3 weeks. This is a wonder capsule indeed!

H Harrison
Acquisto verificato

Psyllium husk is a true superfood supplement for digestive comfort. I can say that from my experience.

H Heidi
Acquisto verificato

Having these capsules for nearly 3 months now, and I could get rid of my extra fat very easily with the help of these.

J Joseph
Acquisto verificato

Got my bottle in 3 days. Damn fast service!

G Georgia
Acquisto verificato

The customer service of WW is top-notch! Am very happy with their service.

J Julia
Acquisto verificato

I could lose a couple of pounds with a regular intake of these capsules. Am so stoked!

E Evelyn
Acquisto verificato

The capsules solved my digestive problem and after that, my skin also looks better.

M Matt
Acquisto verificato

Till now, I am very satisfied with the result. My weight is coming down slowly.

S Stacy
Acquisto verificato

Quite fast-absorbing and I could experience the effects within a week of use only.

L Lean
Acquisto verificato

Just started my dose, and these are very easy to gulp, so I will continue taking them.

L Lily
Acquisto verificato

I knew that this ingredient is effective as a laxative, but the capsule form made it so much easier for me to take!

L Lucy
Acquisto verificato

My stomach doesn't bloat. Am out of that embarrassment, thanks to these capsules!

A Asley
Acquisto verificato

Slowly working and soothing my digestive discomfort.

M Maria
Acquisto verificato

Great result in just 2 weeks! No bloating experienced after that

D Dominique
Acquisto verificato

Wasn't very confident about taking them. But when I did, I saw how effective it is. Now I know why people are vouching for this.

M Mia
Acquisto verificato

Pretty effective as a slimming supplement!

M Millie
Acquisto verificato

Haven't felt constipated for the past 3 weeks. Nothing more to say, the capsules really help!

M Molly
Acquisto verificato

I take them in the morning. Keeps me full for a longer period, and I don't get cravings like before.

N Natasha
Acquisto verificato

Seeing the Soil Association certification, I was sure this is a genuine product!

P Penelope
Acquisto verificato

My mum, dad and I are taking these capsules. They got help with digestion and I mainly loved its effects on my weight!

R Rosalina
Acquisto verificato

Most weight management supplements only impact weight. I prefer this one over other as it manages weight and also helps in digestive problem.

A Annie
Acquisto verificato

No more awkward gassy moments or bloated stomach!

B Benjamin
Acquisto verificato

It did help but only when I took them regularly.

A Alfred
Acquisto verificato

Woowwwww!!!! This one helped me get relief from my unending digestive problem, that too naturally.

Z Zoe
Acquisto verificato

Price and effectiveness-wise, this seems to be the best digestion supplement.

Z Zara
Acquisto verificato

I take them every day without a miss as the capsule is helping my digestion and bowel rhythm effectively.

W Willow
Acquisto verificato

Bought it on my aunt's suggestion. I owe her a huuuge thank you! The capsule worked so well for me!

V Violet
Acquisto verificato

Helping me cut down my weight naturally as it keep my cravings away by keeping me full.

S Summer
Acquisto verificato

Since it has 90-day money-back guarantee, I could try it without worry. I don't regret my decision. It's an amazing capsule!

S Sarah
Acquisto verificato

3 months of supply at this price is quite reasonable!

T Tim
Acquisto verificato

Goed product. Plezierig dat je maar 2 capsules per dag hoeft in te nemen voor het resultaat. Bij een ander merk moest ik er 6 per dag innemen.

P Paulina
Acquisto verificato

Zeer tevreden. Prettig dat 2 capsules per dag voldoende is. Bij sommige merken moet je er 6 per dag slikken.

P Paulina
Acquisto verificato

Het werkt niet zoals verwacht

K Klant-Diana
Acquisto verificato

Zeer tevreden siens ik deze neem heb geen staartbeenpijn niet meer, als ok stop met ze te nemen komt het terug. Ik had gelezen dat je staartbeenpijn kunt hebben als te weinig vezels eet daarmee had ik deze besteld en werk 🙂 ik blijf ze dus constant innemen 2 per dag.

S Sylvia
Acquisto verificato

Een goed product voor mij.

P Paulina
Acquisto verificato

Goed product, zeer tevreden.

P Paulina
Acquisto verificato

Betaalbaar en betrouwbaar

I Izidro A
Acquisto verificato

Helpt zeer goed

D Daniëlle
Acquisto verificato

Psyllium husk is veel te koop maar biologische versies zijn amper te vinden. Daarom chapeau weightworld!

J Jason
Acquisto verificato

Werkt zoals beschreven

H Herm
Acquisto verificato

Op aanraden van de dokter heb ik psyllium husk geprobeert. Dat werkte. Omdat ik het veel gebruik heb ik voor een biologische versie gekozen, je wilt immers niet elke ochtend met pesticiden-bespoten ingrediënten wegspoelen.

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

Fijn supplement

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

Werkt goed voor mijn stoelgang

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

180 capsules is voldoende voor 3 maanden. Als je vervolgens de prijs per dag uit rekent merk je dat je veel goedkoper uit bent dan bij andere merken. Wat mij betreft erg netjes!

T Toos
Acquisto verificato

Goed supplement

N Nel
Acquisto verificato

De verzending ging niet geweldig maar verder is alles ok, het ziet er uit als een adequaat supplement.

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato


A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

Cumple con su cometido a un precio muy razonable.

A Alicia J
Acquisto verificato


N Nuria M

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