
Guaranà Puro in Capsule

4800 mg 180 Capsule | Energizzante naturale

Guaranà: Un frutto prezioso

Il Guaranà cresce nel vasto e ricco ambiente della foresta pluviale amazzonica insieme alla metà di tutte le specie attualmente viventi sulla terra. Il suo nome deriva dal popolo indio-indigeno Guaranà. Centinaia di migliaia di indigeni chiamano ancora “casa” la foresta amazzonica e il loro amore per il frutto del Guaranà ha reso inevitabile il chiacchiericcio mondiale intorno a questo frutto e alle sue proprietà energetiche. Tradizionalmente si dice che il Guaranà fosse usato da persone native dell’Amazzonia in tè e bevande per bilanciare la sensazione di fame dovuta al digiuno con un ulteriore carica di energia. Inizialmente veniva utilizzato per preparare bevande calde ma, al giorno d’oggi, il Guaranà è ormai un ingrediente popolare nelle bibite gassate energetiche in tutto il Sud America, così come integratori alimentari e dolci.

Cosa può fare il Guaranà per te?

Questo alimento secolare ha recentemente guadagnato interesse scientifico per una ragione: la sua incredibile concentrazione di caffeina, che può raggiungere fino a quattro volte i livelli della stessa sostanza presenti nei chicchi di caffè. La caffeina è diventata una base della vita di molte persone, citata frequentemente per la sua abilità di migliorare la prontezza mentale, la digestione, il metabolismo e la resistenza fisica. Tra gli atleti viene spesso utilizzata per migliorare le prestazioni fisiche, oltre che come agente termogenico, per il rinvigorimento del metabolismo lipidico.

Grazie al Guaranà, potrai gustare la caffeina nella sua forma più pura, potente e naturale, senza additivi inutili. Inoltre si sta continuamente prendendo coscienza del fatto che gli altri composti all’interno di questo frutto migliorano le proprietà della caffeina, favorendo un lento rilascio e assimilazione riducendo così i picchi energetici del caffè e permettendo a chiunque di beneficiare di maggiori livelli di energia per tutto il corso della giornata. Questi composti includono altre xantine, come catechine, tannini e procianidine. Inoltre uno studio su persone indigene dell’Amazzonia che consumano abitualmente il Guaranà lo associano ad una circonferenza della vita inferiore e a ridotti livelli di colesterolo cattivo nel sangue.

  • Prontezza mentale
  • Prestazione fisica
  • Metabolismo lipidico
  • Motivazione positiva
  • Controllo del peso
  • Colesterolo

WeightWorld Guaranà Puro: la fonte perfetta!

Con le nostre capsule potrai sostenere regolarmente i tuoi livelli di energia fisica e mentale in maniera del tutto naturale e sicura. Ogni capsula contiene una concentrazione di 4800mg di estratto di Guaranà Puro, uno dei più potenti disponibili, senza doverti più preoccupare di dosaggi e quantità. Facili da ingerire e assorbire, sono veloci, convenienti e si adattano anche allo stile di vita più impegnativo. Prendi una capsula, fino a tre volte al giorno, per beneficiare di una carica energetica aggiuntiva e dare una spinta alla tua vitalità. Suggeriamo inoltre di assumere l’integratore per almeno tre mesi, investendo in un uso a lungo termine per massimizzare i risultati. Guaranà Puro in Capsule è perfetto per gli appassionati di fitness, gli studenti universitari che lavorano sodo, i genitori impegnati e quelli che generalmente cercano di soddisfare i loro bisogni energetici in modo sano senza bevande energetiche zuccherate.

Lista degli Ingredienti:

Estratto di Guaranà (Semi di Paullinia Cupana) 10:1 , Agenti di carica: Farina di Riso Bianco, Agenti antiagglomeranti: Stearato di Magnesio e Biossido di silicio, Involucro di capsula vegetale: Ipromellosa (Idrossipropilmetilcellulosa).


Le capsule di Guaranà Puro contengono un solo principio attivo naturale, senza sostanze chimiche nocive e completamente adatto a diete vegane, vegetariane e a intolleranti a glutine e lattosio. Tuttavia si prega di dare un’occhiata a tutti gli ingredienti, in caso di eventuali allergie personali. Come con qualsiasi nuovo integratore, consigliamo di verificare la compatibilità di questo integratore in caso di assunzione di farmaci. Questo prodotto non è destinato a persone di età inferiore ai diciotto anni, a donne in gravidanza o in allattamento e a persone con sensibilità o intolleranza alla caffeina. However, please take a careful look at the full ingredients, in case of any personal allergens.



reviews 5

95.22% Basato su 229 Recensioni Verificate

Acquisto verificato

Il guaranà l'ho già provato altre volte con ottimi risultati ..... non bisogna eccedere nelle quantità consigliate pensando di migliorarne gli effetti .... anzi si potrebbero avere spiacevoli sorprese, e comunque dopo qualche giorno ci si accorge da soli se stiamo facendo bene oppure no... io non ne prendo più di 2 compresse al giorno

f franco T
Acquisto verificato

Ottimo!!! Lo ricomprerò appena finito!

o osvj
Acquisto verificato

Ottimo risultato.

D Danilo Z
Acquisto verificato

Solo Weightworld.. ottimo prodotto già riordinato molte volte rapporto qualità prezzo ottimale

o osvj
Acquisto verificato

A me non mi ha fatto nessun effetto

L Luca P
Acquisto verificato

Ottimo, vero Guarana’

P Piero
Acquisto verificato

Il prodotto è buono come mi aspettavo lo consiglio per chi fa attività e anche per chi lavora in ufficio o fuori ufficio

M Maurizio R
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buon prodotto per accelerare il metabolismo

Acquisto verificato

Ótimo! Naturale, come quelli brasiliani, in Italia non trovavo.

S Sheila Z
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Promette e mantiene

m mauro
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Rapporto qualità prezzo buono

g giuseppe C
Acquisto verificato

Lo prende tutta la mia famiglia

C Christian P
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Ottimo più energia

C Christian P
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ottimo prodotto, mi sento attivo tutto il giorno e mi sta anche aiutando a buttare giù un paio di kg di troppo!

A Angelo
Acquisto verificato

sono sempre stata una fan del guaranà e queste capsule sono fantastiche! ho fatto l'ordine al telefono e pagato alla consegna, tutto ok

E Elisa
Acquisto verificato

ero indeciso fra questo o quello in polvere e un'operatrice al telefono mi ha saputo consigliare. ottimo servizio clienti molto competente e gentile

F Federico Trento
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M Marcus
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è un buon prodotto anche se la spedizione con poste è un po' lenta e non tracciata

J Jennifer
Acquisto verificato

Mi sono trovata molto bene con questo integratore..mi sta aiutando a controllare la fame nervosa e lo stimolo di mangiare continuamente fuori pasto. Vi può aiutare molto se state seguendo una dieta e non riuscite ad essere costanti nel vostro impegno! Lo raccomando

P Piera
Acquisto verificato

Avevo sentito già parlare delle proprietà energizzanti del guaranà e per questo ho deciso di provare questo integratore..davvero molto valido! Prima mi sentivo sempre stanca nonostante i tanti caffè al giorno, mentre da quando assumo queste capsule mi sento molto più piena di energia per tutto il giorno! Lo consiglio a tutti quelli che si sentono stanchi e stressati!!

E Esther
Acquisto verificato

Prodotto veramente di qualità! La polvere ha un colore intenso e acceso. Molto saporita e buona. Le capsule non mi hanno dato alcun fastidio allo stomaco e l’energia è aumentata a dismisura. Grazie e a presto!

M Marta
Acquisto verificato

Finalmente un prodotto valido come serve a me! Sicuro, senza additivi e perfetto per il recupero muscolare e per l’attività in palestra. Consigliato!

C Claudio
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Prendo questo integratore perché faccio un lavoro molto stancante, per adesso funziona molto bene. Buon rapporto qualità prezzo

F Filippo E.
Acquisto verificato

Very good natural product. I needed some energy for sightseeing with my friends and it really helped

E Eli
Acquisto verificato

this product i have purchased in well known health shop . its more expensive elsewhere . i will def be ordering from weight world in future

l liz T
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Does what it says but I think could be stronger as I start to get tired again after 5 hours

A Angie B
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I love guarana in general and this supplement form is great as its no effort (although I have to set a reminder to remember to take them) but feel great now i've been using them

L Louise
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Has helped me snack less which is great as a lot of my extra weight was because of cheeky snacking

T Terry
Acquisto verificato

Guarana is GREAT!

G Gaurana Lover
Acquisto verificato

I like this in pill form, a lot easier

K Katie
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Not sure if this is working but then again i have only been taking them for 3 days so i guess its just a matter of patience.

R Ray
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very easy to add to my day

P Peter
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I keep forgetting to take these at the right time! apart from that they're good but I keep forgetting so probably not working as well as it could

O Oliver
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like these a lot, i feel great!!

D Danielle
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I like using this in the morning to wake me up, very effective

J Jerramy
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I really like Guarana but it's so hard to get! That's why I got these capsules and I really like them so far.

D Daria
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I have lost 5lbs since I started using it and I think it is mostly because I am no longer snacking. I will 100% be buying this again!

E Emily
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I feel like I have so much more energy now and I can run for longer

E Eric
Acquisto verificato

I used to drink a lot of energy drinks but then realised how much sugar and bad stuff was in them. I noticed a lot of them contained guarana so switched to this and it isn't quite a sudden as an energy drink, but I do feel more general energy throughout the day and don't crash after a while like with the drinks.

K Kerry
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Great for mental focus!

M Mathew
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Helped my digestive abilities majorly!

S Sam
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Definitely worth trying for bone strength.

B Bethany
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Just bought it. Easy to take but let's see if it work

A Asley
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I take them to keep my heart health good. And they do their job pretty well!

D Daymond
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Good supplement for getting slow but long lasting energy

N Nyla
Acquisto verificato

My weight has impacted positively since taking these supplements!

R Rosalina
Acquisto verificato

Never knew this Amazonian fruit can help my weight and energy levels so much!

S Steve
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Surprised with the result! Must try!

B Becky
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No side effects!

M Mrs
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I used to feel tired every day after work. But these capsules give me energy throughout the day.

M Martha
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These capsules are great for getting safe energy without the crash of coffee.

S Samuel
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I have stopped depending on coffee after taking these energy booster capsules. They are sooooo good!

A Amber
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I think they helped get my energy levels up. Haven't seen any impact on weight.

J Julia
Acquisto verificato

I am amazed to know that guarana gives 4 times more caffeine energy than coffee! I am gonna take guarana capsules only from now!

L Lacey
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Effective and good pricing!

F Frank
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Price is reasonable.

J Joshua
Acquisto verificato

Price seems bit high but totally worth it as they give sustained energy!

O Oswald
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Good supplement if you want energy without the sudden hit of coffee in your brain.

J Jane
Acquisto verificato

The reviews are right. These actually work!

D Dorothy
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Since taking them daily, I have been feeling more active and energised. Am happy!

C Carter
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I used to feel a lil lost all day long. But I feel now I can focus more in my work, thanks to these capsules.

E Emerson
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I knew Guarana can be beneficial for the heart. These capsules just made this amazing fruit easily accessible to me. Thanks WW!

D Dean
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Finally there's a better alternative to coffee that doesn't give any caffeine jitters!

B Braxton
Acquisto verificato

Managing weight is a quite process, but this capsules has helped me a lot in it.

H Harrison
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Great potency. Gives me energy for a long period, almost throughout the day.

E Edward
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I satiate my cravings between meals with this capsule. They keep me full for a longer time.

G Greyson
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I used to depend a lot on energy drinks to recover my lost energy after a workout session. But now I take these capsules instead cause they don't have bad side effects.

A Archie
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Love how gently these capsules help recharge energy levels!

H Hailee
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Can feel evident effects on my energy levels!

M Maizie
Acquisto verificato

Great for getting energy, that too without any crash of caffeine that happens when you drink coffee.

B Ben
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I rely on this for my daily energy requirement now. It's 100% effective!

J Jammy
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Natural source of energy, that's the main highlight of this supplement! Love it.

A Arlo
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Felt zero side effects. But definitely can feel the change in my body in terms of energy!

A Arnold
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Despite being on diet, I struggled with managing weight. This capsule helped me a lot in getting back in shape!

D Debby
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Took this for 4 months. My energy levels are high now and I have also shed some inches!

M Mia
Acquisto verificato

These capsules are so easy to take but such a powerful source of energy!

D Darcy
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Not only my energy levels are higher now, but also I feel more focused and active since taking these supplements.

P Pam
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So impressed with its effects! I take them every day.

M Maggie
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They work but you need to stay consistent to feel the result.

J Judie
Acquisto verificato

Strength is high. 4800 mg in just 2 capsules. it's incredible!

L Lethan
Acquisto verificato

Never knew about this Amazonian fruit before, but now I regularly take these capsules and enjoy its benefits.

B Brian
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It was getting difficult for me to stick to my diet due to frequent hunger pangs. But thanks to these capsules, I stay full and energised for longer and can easily maintain my diet.

B Barnes
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It was getting difficult for me to stick to my diet due to frequent hunger pangs. But thanks to these capsules, I stay full and energised for longer and can easily maintain my diet.

B Barnes
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Workload takes away all my energy. These capsules thankfully gives me sustained energy for a longer time.

A Ashton
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Best alternative to energy drinks according to me!

D Debby
Acquisto verificato

I don't go for energy drinks or coffee anymore. These capsules cover up for them effectively.

A Aspen
Acquisto verificato

Tried this capsule for the first time. So happy with the effects. Will order again!

S Sterling
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Quite gentle on the stomach and gives a slow release of energy. That's why I feel no bad effects of caffeine.

R Ryland
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Fast acting and effective!

E Edison
Acquisto verificato

Great supplement for weight management and helps to stay on diet keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

C Corbin
Acquisto verificato

It not only controlled my weight gain but also energised by body from within!

R Ronnie
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Sometimes slimming diets can take a toll on energy levels. But since I take these capsules alongside, my energy levels are not affected by diet and I can manage my weight in a healthy way.

S Stanley
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These capsules make me feel far more active than I used to feel before.

E Evie
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100% effective and fast acting. I have lost 1lb in just 1 week!

A Adele
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Felt great changes in my weight. I couldn't achieve it just with diet.

A Alice
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I was concerned as my workout regime used to make me feel tired at the end of the session. But since taking these capsules, I don't feel tired at all!

A Amelie
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My days of feeling tired and fatigued throughout the day are just gone, thanks to these capsules!

A Anna
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I feel relieved that finally, I found a slimming supplement that actually works and didn't leave me disappointed like the other ones did.

E Ellie
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I had tried a supplement for weight management from a renowned brand, and it did nothing! Then I tried this one for the first time and I am surprised to see its impact. Too good!

C Clara
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My self-esteem was so low because I was overweight. But since taking these capsules, I feel more active and have been able to control my weight. I feel better about myself now!

D Doris
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If I compare it with other guarna supplements on the market, this one is comparatively cheaper with a higher strength and better effects!

S Sam
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Just took 2 capsules. They are definitely easy to wash down, am just hoping to see its effects.

H Harriet
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Since taking these capsules, I feel more active an din a better mood!

A Abigail
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It's a relief to see that it is working, unlike other slimming supplements that only claims, but does nothing.

I Iris
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In only 4 weeks, I have seen an evident change in my weight and energy levels. So satisfied!

K Karen
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The capsules are actually helping me. My weight is near about what I wanted it to be! That too in just 6 weeks!

E Elsie
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It truly supports my body and endurance during workout. I feel I can go on with the exercise for hours!

E Eloise
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This one makes me feel energetic, so I end up doing more exercises than I used to do and am losing fats like never before.

A Amelia
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I have been taking them to keep a check on my weight. But it also seems to have energised them from withinn.

E Edith
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Strenth-wise it's the best compared to other guarana supplements. Also, this one is most pure, so am very happy with the formulation.

D Doris
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I feel less hungry after taking them, so my untimely hunger pangs are now under control.

H Harrison
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It does keep me full for longer. I get full eating lesser now. This is surely impacting my weight in a great way!

H Heidi
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This one helped my friend cut down on her excess weight, so I bought it too. Let's hope it works for me!

J Joseph
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I look more toned now, and a lot younger, all thanks to these guarana capsules and my diet!

G Georgia
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The best thing is it's all natural, so I didn't face any side effects. I have started seeing changes in my weight. I am on my 3rd week now.

J Julia
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This is far more effective than the other slimming supplement that I had tried from H&B. Thanks for launching this WW!

E Evelyn
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After giving birth, I struggled a lot to bring my weight down. Now with the help of these capsules I could manage my weight so effortlessly.

M Matt
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Never knew about guarana before. This site explained its benefits so nicely. Am glad I tried them coz it's definitely making me feel energised.

K Kylie
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Am so full of life now. Always active and ready to do anything! I have forgotten my lazy version, thanks to these capsules.

L Leah
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These capsules don't choke like other big tablets, and it also works on weight naturally. What more can I ask for!

L Lily
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Tried theanine supplement for the first time. Am so happy with the effects that am gonna continue taking them.

L Lucy
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Without a doubt, go for it! The capsules are acting superbly on my mental health.

P Peterson
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Best thing is anytime I buy 2 bottles, I get the 10% off. it's an all round the year offer, not some seasonal sale!

M Maria
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My order was delivered within 1 day. That's crazy speed! Am very satisfied with the service

D Dominique
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Pleasantly surprised to see how effective these are. I don't feel tired at the end of the day anymore!

M Mia
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I thought it will only make me feel more energetic. But it's also helping me stay more focused during work!

M Millie
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Within a month or so, my weight has come down majorly. This is the magic of these capsules!

M Molly
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Can't explain how much I love these capsules! They really helped me get rid of those extra inches and feel more amazing about my body.

N Natasha
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Just have started taking them. I already feel a lil high on energy than before. Hope to see some great result on my weight soon.

P Penelope
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My mum, dad and I are all taking these capsules to stay energetic and control the weight.

R Rosalina
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These supplements were my saviour during hectic days of work. Am still taking them to maintain my peace of mind and energy.

A Annie
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I never thought I could manage my mood swings, but these capsules did the wonder!

B Benjamin
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I have stopped drinking coffee because of the adverse effects of it on mind. These capsules are the perfect alternative source of energy for me without the bad effects.

A Alfred
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I tried many slimming supplements so far, and this one worked the best! I am gonna continue taking them.

Z Zoe
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I was sceptical before ordering them, but after seeing the results on my weight, am just going round recommending it to all my friends who wanna get slimmer!

Z Zara
Acquisto verificato

I would give it a 100/100 as it's doing everything mentioned on this site!

W Willow
Acquisto verificato

A major reason why I picked this one is because it has natural formula and its easy to take due to the capsule form, not the large tablets

V Violet
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My friend recommended this to me. She has got amazing results and her pictures are proof of that. I am hoping this helps me shed some fat too!

S Summer
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I have cut down on my coffee intake since taking these capsules, as this one makes me feel more energetic than coffee used to.

S Sarah
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99.99% effective and no side effects. Go for it!

T Tim
Acquisto verificato

le colis est arrivée vite maintenant il me faut l'essayer pour pouvoir réellement apprécier ça valeur.

C Céline B
Acquisto verificato

Je vais mettre 5 étoiles pour la livraison mais je n'ai toujours pas testé le produit. Je suggère au cabinet qui récolte ces avis d'attendre au moins une semaine si vous voulez avoir des avis pertinents :) Le service client et la livraison étaient parfait!

O Ophėlie
Acquisto verificato

je commence seulement mais semble être un bon produit

Acquisto verificato

Trop tot pour evaluer un resultat, mais il aide a perdre du poids et rend dynamique.

B Brigitte S
Acquisto verificato

Au debut perte de poids rapide, ensuite plutot stalibisation.

B Brigitte S
Acquisto verificato

Produit d’une commande ultérieure, conforme à mon attente

P Patrice
Acquisto verificato

Très bon produits

Acquisto verificato

Associé à une hygiène de vie différente ( jeûne intermittent) ce produit permet vraiment de me donner ce coup de boost.

P Patrice
Acquisto verificato

fantastique , surtout pour son côté ''coupe-faim'' !

C Client. B
Acquisto verificato

Très efficace

A Adjo E
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Pour l instant je fait ma cure donc je n ai pas encore d observation à faire sur se produit

Acquisto verificato

Je suis un habitué de ce produit!

C Christian G
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Super produit

M Maxime L
Acquisto verificato

Excellent produit avec un bon rapport qualité prix

Acquisto verificato

Je ne vois pas de grande différence.

I Invité
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Très defatiguant

C Carina M
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Beaucoup d'énergie et plus de concentration depuis que je le prends sans les effets secondaires du café. Super !

M Mélanie P
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livraison rapide ++

S Sylvie S
Acquisto verificato

Sur les conseils de ma petite sœur, j’ai commencé à prendre du pur guarana. Verdict après 2 mois, j’ai perdu 3kg, mais surtout, je me sens plus en forme. Pour avoir essayé pas mal de produits, c’est celui qui me convient le plus.

I Isabelle K
Acquisto verificato

Excellent. Produit reçu dans les temps. J’en consomme car je suis végétarien et je dois compenser le manque de protéines. Et le guarana comble tous mes besoins. Beaucoup mieux que les produits chimiques, on ne sait pas trop ce qu’ils mettent dedans, et après quelques années on se retrouve avec des problèmes de santé qu’on n'avait pas calculés. Alors non merci. Je reste nature avec guarana.

E Etienne D
Acquisto verificato

Ce complément est génial, je recommande à tout le monde. Dans mon cas j’étais tout le temps stressé par le boulot, et j’avais du mal à m’endormir. Donc du coup, je suis rentré dans une spirale infernale dont je n’arrivais plus à sortir. Le guarana m’a tiré d’affaire, mais surtout, et c’est le plus important dans mon cas, je dors mieux. Quel bonheur.

F Faustin R
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J’en prends depuis 1 semaine et j’ai pas vu aucun changement. JE ne comprends pas pourquoi ça marche sur les autres et pas d’Effet sur moi???

C Camille S
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Mon gastro m’a déconseillé (pour ne pas dire interdit) de consommer du café à cause de problèmes de reflux (RGO). J’ai pas droit au thé non plus, ni aux boissons gazeuses, bref, une diète complète. Alors il m’a dit de prendre du guarana pour compenser. J’en avais jamais entendu parler avant. Et je dois dire que c’est encore plus puissant que le café. Un vrai stimulant. Même les journées où j’ai de fortes charges de travail ou du stress, j’encaisse sans broncher.

G Gilbert B
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Le guarana a changé ma vie. Merci à vous.

Y Yolette G
Acquisto verificato

Attention!!! À ceux qui utilisent le guarana, il faut toujours acheter chez des sites qui sont certifiés. Moi pendant 4 mois je me suis fait avoir. J’achetais du guarana en ligne qui était probablement dilué avec je ne sais quoi, aucun effet. J’ai acheté le guarana ici, et c’est le jour et la nuit. On sent réellement une grande différence. Alors prenez vos gardes.

O Olivier G
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Parfait pour l’hiver quand on est pas en forme. Avec ces gelules on sent vraiment un gain d’énergie durable

C Cédric
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Parfait quand on n’a pas le temps de se faire un café. Les effets sont sensiblement les mêmes. Pas d’effet secondaire ressenti, je recommande ce produit

M Marine
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Je sens que j'ai beaucoup plus d'énergie maintenant et je peux courir encore plus longtemps

E Eric
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J'aime beaucoup le guarana mais c'est tellement difficile à obtenir! C'est pourquoi j'ai eu ces capsules et je les aime vraiment jusqu'à présent.

D Daria
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J'ai perdu 2.5 kilos depuis que j'ai commencé à l'utiliser et je pense que c'est principalement parce que je ne suis plus en train de grignoter. Il est 100% sure que Je l'achèterai à nouveau!

E Emily
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Je buvais beaucoup de boissons énergisantes, mais j'ai réalisé à quel point il y avait du sucre et des mauvaises choses. J'ai remarqué que beaucoup d'entre eux contenaient du guarana, alors je suis passé à cela et ce n'est pas tout à fait une boisson énergisante, mais je ressens une énergie tout au long de la journée et ne tombe pas de fatigue après un certain temps comme avec les boissons.

K Kerry
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Hilft mir gut beim abnehmen

O Olivia
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Kann ich nur jedem weiterempfehlen, der Probleme damit hat, schnell und effektiv neben dem Sport abzunehmen.

J Jana
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Wer Probleme mit seinem Gewicht hat und einfach nicht weiß wie er abnehmen soll. Kauft das. Mir ha tes segr geholfen zusätzlich zum Sport abzunehmen.

K Klaudia
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Bestelle nach, also ist meine Meinung klar.

U Umtiti
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gerne wieder

A Anonimo
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Ich werde bald nachbestellen. Mir hat das Produkt bis jetzt sehr gefallen und ich fühle mich trotz viel Stress und Anstrengungen recht gut.

L Lucie
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Kein bedarf mehr, weil ich schon mein Wunschgewicht erreicht habe. :)

K Klara
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Kann es einfach nur jedem weiterempfehlen. Mehr ist eigentlich nicht nötig zu sagen. :)

Ä Änsel
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Ich mag Guarana Frucht sehr, aber es ist so schwer die zu finden! Deshalb habe ich diese Kapseln bestellt und ich mag die bis jetzt wirklich.

D Daria
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Seit ich damit angefangen habe, habe ich 5 Kilo abgenommen, und ich denke, das liegt hauptsächlich daran, dass ich nicht mehr nasche. Ich werde es zu 100% wieder nachbestellen!

E Emily
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Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich jetzt so viel mehr Energie habe und länger laufen kann

E Eric
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Früher habe ich viel Energy-Getränke getrunken, aber dann wurde mir klar, wie viel Zucker und schlechte Sachen darin waren. Ich bemerkte, dass viele von diesen Getränken Guarana enthielten. Also wechselte ich zu diesem und es so wie beim Energiegetränk, dass die Energie plötzlich kommt, aber ich fühle den ganzen Tag über mehr Energie und stürze nach einer Weile nicht mehr ab, wie bei den Getränken.

K Kerry
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Man blir piggare inför ett fokusjobb, fungerar faktiskt till skillnad med andra tabletter som man får reklam om. Inte ta för sent bara då blir det svårt att sova

K Kund
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Blir piggare när jag behöver koncentrera mig

K Kund
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Funkar helt ok

H Hans H
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Kan inte märka så stor effekt.. Kan såklart inte säga om det beror på mig eller produkten.

L Lina
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Kan rekommenderas - en produkt som faktiskt ger energi.

G G. Malm
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Jag använder dom när jag ska köra långt efter en lång arbetsdag tycker att dom fungerar bättre än kaffe och red bull

P Peter
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Funkar perfekt för mig som är student! Känner mig mycket piggare!

S Susan
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Köpte dessa tabletter eftersom jag såg att en annan student hade gjort det, och kan ärligt säga att dessa är life-savers under tentaperioderna!!

E Elin
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Skönt komplement till kaffe eftersom jag inte tycker det är så gott

L Lisa
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Bestämde mig för att sluta dricka red bull eftersom det både är dyrt och inte så bra för kroppen och behövde hitta ett komplement. Än så länge är jag nöjd med effekten från kapslarna och jag tror jag gått ner lite i vikt också eftersom jag inte längre får i mig lika mycket socker som tidigare.

G Gustav
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Känns som ett mer naturlig sätt att vakna upp på.

S Sabina
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Gillar att jag hade valet mellan pulver eller kapslar. Provade båda och kom fram till att för mig passade kapslar mycket bättre eftersom jag inte riktigt äter frukost.

M Malin
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Mycket nöjd med kapslarna. Precis vad jag letade efter för att börja en mer hälsosam kost

M Maximilian
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Jag jobbar som servitris och jobbar därför många långa dagar och jag är inte jätteglad vid kaffe så är riktigt glad att jag hittade dessa pillerna. Det är så mycket enklare att ta sig igenom de långa arbetspassen nu.

U Ullrika
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Var så trött på att kaffet gjorde mina tänder gula, men behöver få den där extra kicken på morgonen för att komma igång. Så jag hittade Guarana och bestämde mig för att prova. Detta var ett år sedan och jag äter dem fortfarande och är så nöjd!

H Helene
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Jag tar dessa tabletterna innan jag går till gymmet för att få lite extra energi och tycker det funkar bra

F Fredrik
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Jag gillar att man får energi som håller i flera timmar och när effekten slutar verka får man inte en super dipp utan det går ganska långsamt och det gillar jag

J Johanna
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Jag drack kaffe som vatten innan vilket magen till slut sa stopp för så tvingades hitta ett alternativ som fortfarande gav mig samma effekt som koffeinet från kaffet. Blev rekommenderad dessa kapslar av en kollega och är så glad att hon gjorde det, för jag har hittat precis det jag behöver utan några klagomål från magen!

T Therese
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Ger mer precis den mängden energi jag behöver för att ta mig igenom dagen

K Kurt
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Synes at være en fin kvalitet til en god pris

F Flemming B
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💖💖💖WeightWorld er bare de bedste 💖💖💖

S Susanne T
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Godt produkt.

H Helga I
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Dem er jeg glad for

K Kurt R
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😍😍😍 Guarana kapsler fra WeightWorld er de bedste ❤️❤️❤️

S Susanne T
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Rigtig tilfreds med kapslerne. Lige hvad jeg ledte efter i forbindelse med at finde et sundhedsfremmende tilskud

H Hanne
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min mor rådgav mig om disse kapsler, fordi så behøver jeg ikke at drikke energidrik og jeg hader kaffe! Men disse hjælper virkelig

M Mathias E. Hansen
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Det giver mig et dejligt energiboost inden jeg skal træne

J Jonas Olsen
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En kapsel om dagen holder mig kørende, vil jeg sige :) jeg har taget disse kapsler i ca 1,5 måned og de har gang på gang givet mig mere energi på samme måde som kaffe gør

M Mikkel W.
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Kapslerne kunne godt være en smulle mindre, fordi jeg synes de er lidt besværlige at sluge nogen gange. Det er nødvendigt for mig at skylde ned med vand, men ellers virker de fint.

H Hans-Erik Nielsen
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Jeg kan virkelig godt lide Guarana, men det er så svært at få! Heldigvis fandt jeg disse kapsler, og jeg kan godt lide dem indtil videre.

D Daria
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Jeg har tabt 5 kg, siden jeg begyndte at bruge det, og jeg tror, det er mest, fordi jeg ikke længere snacker. Jeg vil 100% købe dette igen!

E Emily
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Jeg har meget mere energi nu, og jeg kan løbe længere

E Eric
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Jeg plejede at drikke en masse energidrikke, men indså derefter, hvor meget sukker og dårlige ting der var i dem. Jeg har bemærket, at mange af dem indeholdt guarana, så skiftet til dette, og det er ikke en energidrik, men jeg føler mere energi hele dagen og går ikke ikke død efter et stykke tid som med drikkevarer.

K Kerry
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Virkelig godt produkt! Giver det, det lover, et boost af energi til muskler og krop

V Vibe
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Super produkt

P Panis J
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Voel me veel fitter! Het supplement geeft me echt meer energie en ik merk dat ik ook veel beter in mijn vel zit.

M Marina
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Ik ging veel minder snacken, waardoor ik meer gewicht verloor! Echt heel erg tevreden dus:)

W Wilma
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Love guarana! Dit supplement maakt het zo makkelijk om guarana te nemen. Het kost geen moeite en voel me geweldig sinds ik ze neem.

L Lotte
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Sinds ik de capsules slik, doe ik veel meer op een dag. Voorheen had ik erg veel last van vermoeidheid, maar sinds ik guarana slik, voel ik me stukken beter.

R Rosalie
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Super product & werd snel geleverd!

M Maria
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Eet veel minder tussendoor en ben daarom al wat kilo's kwijt. In combinatie met een gezond dieet verlies ik nu nog sneller gewicht!

C Charlotte
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Het product werd snel geleverd. Een erg goede service! HIernaast is de werking van het product ook goed. De capsules zijn erg gemakkelijk om in te nemen. Erg tevreden.

C Chantal
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Zojuist het product ontvangen. Ben benieuwd!

C Cathelijn
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Ben er zeer tevreden mee.

M Malik
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Het werkt wel, maar het is mij te prijzig.

L Lukas

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