
Gommose Sogni d'Oro

60 mg 60 Gummies | Supporto Naturale per Mente e Corpo

Che cos’è Weightworld 5-HTP in Caramelle Gommose?

Questo integratore è composto dal 5-idrossitriptofano, principio attivo estratto dalla pianta di Griffonia. È un arbusto originario dell’Africa centro-occidentale e viene utilizzato per la composizione di integratori utili al rilassamento e al benessere mentale. In questa formulazione proposta da Weightworld è presente anche la Melissa, pianta officinale conosciuta per le sue proprietà calmanti e anti stress.

Spesso una vita frenetica e una dieta disordinata portano ad elevati livelli di cortisolo, l’ormone dello stress appunto. Questo ormone è strettamente collegato agli impulsi inviati al corpo dal nostro cervello, che ne determinano tensione e affaticamento. Troppo cortisolo nel sangue può essere dannoso per la glicemia e per l’accumulo dei grassi nell’organismo. Ecco perché la scelta del 5-HTP e della Melissa per il trattamento dei disturbi legati allo stress.

L’azione combinata di questi due elementi contribuisce a creare un integratore naturale dalle molteplici proprietà benefiche. 5-HTP in Caramelle Gommose da 60 capsule per confezione è la soluzione migliore per chi vuole unire il benessere della mente a quello del corpo. L’aroma naturale di lampone e di mirtillo rendono le caramelle molto più appetibili e facili da masticare.

A che cosa serve il 5-idrossitriptofano?

Il 5-idrossitriptofano è fondamentale per il nostro organismo perché viene convertito in serotonina, l’ormone della felicità. Maggiore è la concentrazione di serotonina nel sangue, maggiore sarà la produzione di melatonina, cioè quell’ormone che induce al sonno. Un riposo ristoratore ogni notte è essenziale per recuperare le energie spese durante la giornata. Ecco perché anche i disturbi del sonno possono influire sui livelli di stress e ostacolare il nostro benessere generale.

Un cervello sano e in forma equivale a un corpo in salute. La Melissa e il 5-HTP aiutano a contrastare debolezza e affaticamento, assieme a depressione e spossatezza. Sono utili anche a ridurre l’insorgenza di emicranie e a migliorare i sintomi causati da patologie che intaccano nervi e muscoli. Inoltre, questo integratore studiato da Weightworld permette di limitare l’accumulo di grasso nell’organismo favorendo il senso di sazietà.

A chi è adatto il 5-HTP?

5-HTP e Melissa sono una combinazione vincente per chi conduce una vita disordinata e spesso stressante. Questo integratore è adatto a coloro che accusano spossatezza e disturbi del sonno, ma anche per quelli che stanno seguendo un regime dietetico e hanno difficoltà a mantenere il peso sotto controllo.

Il sistema nervoso è responsabile della salute di tutto l’organismo, perché controlla le principali funzioni vitali del corpo. Tensione, affaticamento e mancanza di sonno influiscono non solo sull’umore ma sulle prestazioni generali di una persona durante la giornata. Non bisognerebbe mai trascurare il benessere del nostro cervello ma anzi è importante prendersene cura giorno dopo giorno per vivere sereni e felici.

Come si utilizza?

Basta assumere due caramelle gommose al giorno per combattere lo stress. È bene masticare ogni capsula prima di ingerirla.



reviews 5

94.17% Basato su 95 Recensioni Verificate

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M Marco
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Una bomba, da quando le prendo regolarmente mi addormento a orari decenti e non alle 2-3 del mattino. Naturali ma efficaci

A Andrea
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It seems to work. I was sceptical but my sleep has greatly improved and it does not leave me feeling groggy. Good so far.

S Sunny
Acquisto verificato

Very pleased with the effect that it is having on mood and sleep.

S Sunny
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Easy to take , this is my second month and definitely see the benefits.

R Rosemary C
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Just love them!

M Mrs L
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They work very well

F Floortje K
Acquisto verificato

It’s made a difference to my sleeping.

K Kenneth
Acquisto verificato

Love the 5htp gummies

M Mrs L
Acquisto verificato

Brilliant gummies, taste great, and I have been sleeping much better, after only a few days of having them, hopefully that will continue. Thank you.

S Shelby
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Can be useful if help needed to get to sleep.

K Kassie H
Acquisto verificato

Will be reordering

X Xara W
Acquisto verificato

Great taste easy to take but as yet not effective on my sleep.

J John H
Acquisto verificato

The 5HTP gummies are excellent. They taste great but most importantly I can now sleep without my prescription medication called Torazodone.

A Ansar
Acquisto verificato

Does exactly what it says on the tin.

A Adrian
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I will be honest, I wasn’t sure what to think, but after using these for over a month, I can safely say they work wonders and I have been sleeping like a baby! Bonus… they taste great!!!

C Cecilia
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I haven’t had much of a chance to use these, but after complaining about a delivery issue, my problem was resolved in minutes and it was my own fault haha

O Ollie
Acquisto verificato

Brilliant. That is all I can say, I enjoy taking them and I sleep through the night when I used to wake up a lot in the middle of the night.

A Adrianna
Acquisto verificato

I have had sleeping problems for years, now that I am in my 60’s, it is hard for me to sleep for more than 3 hours a night. Since using these, I have been sleeping for about 5-6 hours a night! I am more awake and honestly happier. Thank you. Dorothy

D Dorothy
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It’s my first time trying something like this, since being stressed with uni, I have been struggling to clear my thoughts before sleep and wow… these worked a charm! Will be buying again for sure.

J June
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What can I say? Does it exactly what it says it should and i have been far more relaxed and feel like weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

E Elias
Acquisto verificato

Honestly can’t say I have felt much difference yet, but I have only used them for a couple of days, plus side, they taste great so I don’t mind taking two at all!

I Ida
Acquisto verificato

These have worked straight away! I have never had issues falling asleep, but staying a sleep has always been an issue. I can sleep through the whole night with these, just ate 2 an hour before bed and worked wonders

D Daryl
Acquisto verificato

Absolutely love this stuff, just eat two before I sleep and have been great! Super tasty too!

A Alicia
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I suffer with anxiety and stress and these have calmed me down alot. I have even had friends and family commenting on the difference they have seen in me. I would give 10 stars if I could!

F Faith
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Väldigt bra produkt. Har ätit 5HTP i många år.

J Jeanette O
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Jag tycker att de har hjälpt mig

M Maria
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V Viktor J
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Jätte bra smak, älskar gummi form

V Violetta P
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Fungerar bra för mig. Bäst om jag tar varannan kväll.

S Suzanne B
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Smakar goda, effekten känner man inte direkt, jag antar att man måste ta i längre perioder om man ska känna något. Lie få kapslar bara.

L Lilian
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Bästa hjälpmedlet för sömnen

S Sirpa T
Acquisto verificato

Smakar jättebra och är smidiga att ha med i handväskan!

B Bella
Acquisto verificato

Har märkt att humöret är bättre på sistone !!

P Per
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Har inte hunnit märka någon skillnad än men har bara ätit de i någon vecka, gott smakar de iallafall!!!

K Kristin
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Helt ok

C Charlie
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Asgod smak av bär ju! Har typ värsta problemen med ångest annars men har typ mått bra nu har ätit dessa godisar och tränat!

M Miranda
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T Tobias
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Köpte dessa åt frugan som har fibro som 5 htp tydligen kan va bra för, hon säger att hon sover lite bättre nu vilket är ett stort plus!!

C Claes
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R Rasmus
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Funkar för mig

E Erika
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Har vart lite gladare nu på sistonde tack vare dessa, goda är dom också

L Lars-Åke
Acquisto verificato

Voldoet aan de verwachtingen.!

M Marc V
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Het geeft me niet de boost die ik dacht te krijgen en het is erg lief

Acquisto verificato

Het helpt mij met een goede nachtrust , is ook een aanrader.

P Padmini M
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Helpt mij om in te slapen !

A Anneke
Acquisto verificato

Lekkere gummies

D David
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Het is moeilijk om het bij 2 gummies te houden - de toevoeging van citroenmelisse is erg fijn voor het slapen gaan.

H Hans
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Niks te klagen

M Melissa
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Van de tabletjes overgestapt op gummies. De dosering is lager maar dat is fijner voor mij. Bovendien is het prettiger om te nemen.

T Tijn
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scherpe prijs

J Jason
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Een van de beste supplementen die beschikbaar zijn

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

Neem het pas ongeveer 2 weken maar de service was netjes

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

Goed supplement. Gr.

A Anoniem
Acquisto verificato

alles naar wens.

m mevr.
Acquisto verificato

Il faut que j'essaye plus longtemps pour constater efficacité mais le bon est très bon.

K Kenza E
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très agréable quand on aime les petits bonbons gélifiés

A Audryll L
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M Movita T
Acquisto verificato

Adapté et efficace

T Toma
Acquisto verificato

Je suis nerveux de nature, ces gummies m’ont permis de me calmer et d’être plus relax.

S Stéphane
Acquisto verificato

Il me faut de plus grandes doses pour calmer mes nerfs.

H Hafida
Acquisto verificato

Excellent produit. J’en prends depuis 1 an et je ne peux que vous le recommender.

S Sara
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Je suis agréablement surprise de l’effet de ce produit sur mes capacités mentales. J’avais du mal à me concentrer ces derniers temps, perdant parfois la mémoire.

M Michael
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Très bon produit. Reste à voir ce que ça donne sur le long terme.

R Raphael
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Pour répondre aux commentaires d’un utilisateur, ce produit ne sert pas à vous calmer lorsque vous être stressé, mais plutôt à apaiser votre humeur, y’a une nuance qu’il faut préciser.

S Sylvie
Acquisto verificato

Je suis toujours nerveuse, surtout en période d’examen. Ce complément m’a permis de recouvrir toutes mes facultés cognitives, mais surtout de concentration de de calme..

M Marie
Acquisto verificato

Top! Je le classe en premier parmi mes favoris.

F Florence
Acquisto verificato

Wonderful. Amazing product. I recommend it to everyone. Merci Boucou

G Gill
Acquisto verificato

C’est clair que ce produit agit sur votre cerveau. Moi, j’ai constaté que mes idées étaient plus claires et j’étais moins sujet aux crises d’angoisse comme avant.

T Toulousain 58
Acquisto verificato

Virker fint og skaber en naturlig nattesøvn, dog bør dosis være højere.

B Behzad S
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Godt alternativ til melatonin

B Bert S
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Mærker bedre søvn og mere overskud

E Evely
Acquisto verificato

Jeg sover MEGET bedre. Dosis burde være lidt højere.

B Behzad S
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Jeg var glad for produktet det hjalp mig til at sove bedre i en periode hvor jeg havde brug for det Kate

K Kate
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De er super gode til at stille din appetit men de virkede ikke på mig vedr søvn. Men ellers smager de rigtig.godt

L Linemaria
Acquisto verificato

Har taget dem et par uger, og de virker som de skal!

C Cathrine
Acquisto verificato

Har rimelig travlt på jobbet for tiden. Det er en uholdbar situation, som heldgivis er midlertidig, men de her gør, at jeg kan falde i søvn om natten selv efter en stressende arbejdsdag.

U Ulla
Acquisto verificato

Lidt langsom levering (6 dage). Prisen er fornuftig, og det ser ud til, at det virker.

A Ahmed
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Ingen klager fra mig. Skal helt sikkert købe flere, når jeg løber tør.

M Maja
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Overraskende nok smager vingummierne ret godt, og er ideelt lige til at stille den søde tand, når man er på slankekur.

C Christian
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Har skåret næsten 100% ned på alle søde sager for at tabe mig. Men et par vingummer om dagen hjælper lidt, når lækkersulten trænger sig på, og så ser de også ud til at virke som beskrevet.

D Dennis
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Spiser to om dagen, og det vil jeg nok gøre i et stykke tid. De smager virkelig godt, og giver mig et mentalt boost.

M Marianne
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Hader at tage piller eller tabletter, så vælger altid vingummier, hvis det er muligt at få tilskud eller vitaminer i den form. Så et kæmpe plus i min bog!

S Stefan
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Hurtig levering. Fornuftig pris i forhold til andre - og så er det bare et fantastisk 5htp tilskud.

H Helle
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Virker som de skal.

L Lisbeth
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Ich bin von Natur aus nervös, und diese Gummibärchen halfen mir, mich zu beruhigen und zu entspannen.

J Joachim
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An sich finde ich die Gummibärchen toll, würde mir jedoch eine höhere Dosis wünschen.

D Daniel
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Ausgezeichnetes Produkt. Ich benutze es jetzt seit einem Jahr und kann es nur empfehlen.

L Leonie
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Ich bin angenehm überrascht von der Wirkung dieses Produkts auf meine geistige Leistungsfähigkeit. In letzter Zeit hatte ich Schwierigkeiten, mich zu konzentrieren und verlor oft den Faden in Gesprächen, aber mit den Gummibärchen passiert mir das immer weniger.

H Hannah
Acquisto verificato

Sehr gutes Produkt. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob es sich auch langfristig bewährt.

K Karl
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Mein Kopf fühlt sich viel klarer an, seit ich die Gummibärchen nehme. Werde sie wieder nachkaufen, sobald sie leer sind.

T Tina
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Besonders bei Prüfungen bin ich oft sehr nervös. Diese Nahrungsergänzung hat mir geholfen, meine geistigen Fähigkeiten wieder besser zu nutzen, und auch vor allem meine Konzentration und meine Ruhe verbessert.

A Anna
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Top Produkt! Ich zähle es wirklich zu meinen Favoriten unter den Nahrungsergänzungen.

J Johann
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Wunderbar. Tolles Produkt. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen!

R Renate
Acquisto verificato

Ich nehme es noch nicht lange und sehe noch keine großen Veränderungen. Geschmacklich sind die Gummibärchen aber toll und auch die einfache Einnahme finde ich super!

L Leonie

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